

A little hello from me, as the final day of November winds down and we prepare to move into the last month of the year.

I haven’t posted here on a Friday, as I usually do, for a couple of weeks now and I have missed that, but life has been busier than usual {you know…I know you do} with my dad staying with us after his operation {he is doing great} and preparing for Christmas.

I will enter December with a heaviness in my heart, this Christmas will be the first in 47 years without my mum, but I know she would not want us all to have a miserable time. I have the most wonderful memories of Christmas’ past and my mum just loved the house full at this time of year. She would not want us to be sad, so we will do our best, raise a glass to her and enjoy the day as if she were with us {she will be with us}.

We purchased our Christmas tree at the weekend, it’s a lovely little thing; just the right size and has been decorated simply with lights and special ornaments. I love sitting in the lounge in the evening and watching the lights twinkle…balm for the soul.

Today saw the beginning of Just Five Things from Michelle, a wonderful, grounding  and glorious ten days of lists, words and general loveliness…I am going to savour it.

I do hope you are well, how are your Christmas plans going? Do you have your tree? I’d love to know.

Have a great week x


048This weekend, Winter arrived and planted itself firmly in the middle of Autumn. With temps at zero and a biting wind, thick coats have been worn, scarves and gloves too and the cold brought a whole new meaning to the words ‘cosy’ and ‘home’.

It is this time of year when I feel most grateful for a roof over our heads, warmth, food in our bellies and when I simply cannot begin to imagine how life is without these basic things.

I feel grateful this weekend too, for our good old NHS, without which, my dad would not be recovering well in hospital from knee replacement surgery. He is so resilient, looks really well and has made friends with everyone on the ward!

I also appear to have been infected with Christmas spirit this weekend and I am very much looking forward to time off with my family and a few nights out with friends over the coming weeks. Gifts {not all} have been purchased and I cannot wait to get the decorations out from the loft. Are you looking forward to the festive season? What is your favourite part?

My favourite things are twinkle lights, looking at all the decorations we have bought over the years {and the memories they hold} and of course time with loved ones.

I hope you have had a lovely weekend and wish you a great week ahead!

Sharing my weekend with Karen at Pumpkin Sunrise, such a warm and lovely place to visit.


Sunday {Gratitude Week 2015}

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First of all I would like to say a heartfelt thanks to Michelle for making this week possible x

Today I am grateful for…

…the power of gratitude and how the littlest thing can make a bad day good.

…my son, for the person he is becoming, for the fact he has a voice {and style} of his own. For the way he procrastinates over his art homework, but does it eventually {and does it well}. For all he is and the love he gives…I am so very grateful.

…quiet Sundays.

…the need to carry on this practice.

…knowing that life isn’t perfect and doesn’t have to be to make you happy {darkness is always followed by light, this I know}.

Sharing gratitude for seven days as part of Gratitude Week 2015 with Michelle.

Friday {Gratitude Week 2015}


Today I am grateful for…

…being at home {I don’t work Fridays and I love it}.

…rainbows {they never cease to fascinate me}.

…new opportunities that present themselves unexpectedly.

…weekends and the chance to relax.

…the healing power of time and the ability eventually to talk about a loved one lost and not feel like crying.

Sharing gratitude for seven days as part of Gratitude Week 2015 with Michelle. Can it really be Friday, only two more days? I will miss this, but intend to carry on privately as it has done me so much good to check in with myself everyday and really look at what I have and be thankful.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend x

Thursday {Gratitude Week 2015}


Grateful today for…

…flowers in the garden that keep on growing {and delighting me} even though it’s November.

…for the cold beer I am drinking right now after a long day at work.

…for the big hug I will get from my son before he goes to bed.

…for my warm bed and soft pillows {cannot wait to get there tonight}

…for people’s comments here on my blog and for new connections {THANK YOU}.

Night folks, sleep well xx

Sharing gratitude for seven days as part of Gratitude Week 2015 with Michelle.

Tuesday {Gratitude Week 2015}


Today, I am grateful for…

…my son’s company every morning {and ALWAYS} and for the way he makes me laugh {a lot}.

…our lovely dog, Trevor, who is forever happy to see us {he is such a people pup}, always willing to entertain and oh so affectionate.

…coffee with a splosh {or two} of double cream {not sure my waistline would agree!}

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more.” ~ Melody Beattie

Grateful also, to be a part of Michelle’s beautiful week.

Monday {Gratitude Week 2015}


So grateful for…

…a weekend spent with good people including lots of laughter and lovely food {balm for the soul}.

…that first cuppa, without which I am useless and a little grumpy {especially on a dark, wet Monday morning}.

…our warm, cosy home and the way it welcomes me, like an old friend, when I return from work.

…being a part of this lovely week. Thank you Michelle xx

this week {words & pictures}

Cherry ShortbreadWe have entered November a little grey and rainy here, how about you? Some days don’t seem to have got properly light this week. Waking up in the morning seems to be a chore and I am yawning my head off by 7 pm {I am convinced we should hibernate…at least a little}.

The week has whizzed by with Friday arriving before I knew where I was, do you have weeks like this? Nothing exciting to report {unless making shortbread has been moved into the exciting category?} just a week filled with work days and home life, ordinary and yet good all the same {life, even the everyday must be wondered at, yes?}.

Even though I have nothing in particular to tell you, I just like to pop in on Friday and say hello.

If you would like the recipe for the shortbread biscuits {in the image above} it is here. However, I did make a few amendments; I didn’t lay the cherries on top {I mixed them in}, I used salted butter {had no unsalted} and I also rolled the mixture into a sausage shape and cut of rounds {well ovals} instead of rolling it out and putting it in a tray. I recommend making them, they are ‘melt in your mouth’ delicious!

Wishing you a great weekend {my husband and I are away in Lincoln for the night tomorrow, with friends…I can’t wait!}.

If you would like to share your own words and pictures, then please do. You can either share in comments or link to your blog.

If you are on twitter, you can share there too…use #wordspictures or #thisweek

You can find me on twitter, here… @WSmostlywriting

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