this week {words & pictures}

this week - friday 30 october 2015

One word that sums up this week is RAIN…there has been lots of it. That said, the sun does appear to be trying to make an appearance as I type, fingers crossed.

Despite the rain, it has been a good week, a few extra days off work {always good} and time spent at home. Days in when it’s raining outside seem even better somehow, don’t you think?

Trevor never ceases to entertain, he is such wonderful addition to our family and an absolute confirmation that I am a ‘dog person’, who knew??

Of course it’s Halloween tomorrow, so sweets have been bought and bagged up for the little visitors and a pumpkin is ready to be carved. Do you do anything for Halloween? My son {being nearly 16} is just humoring me this year, but I can’t let go of it…not yet. We are going to watch The Shining…you can’t beat a bit of horror at this spooky time of year!

I am off to see my wonderful friend this evening for a catch up, food and a drop {bottle} of wine and hopefully a cuddle with Ted too!

Wishing you a very happy weekend.

If you would like to share your own words and pictures, then please do. You can either share in comments or link to your blog.

If you are on twitter, you can share there too…use #wordspictures or #thisweek

You can find me on twitter, here… @WSmostlywriting

Autumn days


Days that bring late-comer blue skies, born out of steel grey mornings and cold winds.

Winds that rise and fall; whipping hair onto pink cheeks and tugging leaves from trees.

Trees soon to be bare as Winter threads its way into the landscape and whispers through open windows.

Windows glowing gold from lamps flicked on as light fades into inky blue and night creeps in just after five.

Monday already? I hope you had a great weekend, whatever you were up to? Mine was oh so quiet and spent mostly at home {which I don’t mind in the slightest}. ‘This week’ will return next Friday, time slipped away last week, so I didn’t get to post.

Wishing you beautiful days ahead xx


Weekends 17 18 October 2015

Sharing my weekend with Karen at Pumpkin Sunrise, such a warm and lovely place to visit.

The weekend started with such a wonderful surprise, I wasn’t expecting it to arrive so soon, but Saturday morning brought a parcel {delivered by the most cheerful postman I have ever met!} from my friend, Marija. She had a competition over on her blog a few weeks ago and I only went and won! I was so excited, I don’t win many things {cue violin) and it really put such a huge smile on my face and I tell you the smile got even bigger when I opened my parcel, what an absolutely wonderful and generous prize. I cannot thank you enough Marija!

How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it. ~ George Elliston

The rest of the weekend has been spent mostly at home with dog walks and stuff done around the house. My husband and I went out for a meal and few drinks on Saturday, which was lovely as we haven’t done it for a while. My dad, son and Trevor spent the evening together watching Hancock, which they very much enjoyed.

Today was quiet, just what was needed after a funny old week. The skies were grey most of the day, making being at home that little bit more cosy.

I hope you have had a good weekend, whatever you have been up to?

Thank you {always} for all your kind comments, you people are so wonderful xx


this week {words & pictures}

this week - friday 16 october 2015

Hello, how are you today? How has your week been, good I hope?

If you read my post yesterday, you will know I took a bit of a dip this week. Lack of self-care had taken its toll and I felt all wrung out. However, after a ‘bit of a chat’ with myself last night and an attitude adjustment {realising I have so much to be grateful for} I am feeling a lot brighter today.

Nature is always a soother, don’t you think? My walks this week have kept me above water; seeing all the Autumn beauty around me is a tonic and I intend to drink it all in as much a possible this weekend.

It has been very chilly this neck of the woods with the central heating and fire on some nights, but it does make everything very cosy; especially with candles lit too.

I got my first Love Note this morning, which has filled my heart. Annie, my Love Note’s partner, has made such a huge effort and I am so grateful for that. Perhaps you could join in the next round of the Love Notes Project?

Also, another wonderful and free offering this month is Gratitude Week from Michelle…check out more details over at her blog. It is a lovely experience, I encourage you to join in.

‘Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.’            ~ Thomas Merton

Finding light


















I have struggled to find the light this week. I have felt anxious and sad and in all honesty, I don’t think I have been a very nice person to be around.

It’s been a tough year with such a big loss and giving support to others, I know I have let my self-care slip.

But, as I lit candles tonight, I was struck by this thought, ‘when there doesn’t seem to be any light, perhaps the only way forward is to make your own’.

Tomorrow is a new day, Autumn is my favourite season, it is time to care for me and find the light.

Sending a little light your way too xx

‘How far that little candle throws his beams’ ~ William Shakespeare


this week {words & pictures}

this week - friday 9 october 2015

This week has held many beautiful moments, nothing earth shattering; just little pockets of loveliness that life offers {if we take time to notice them}.

Work was busy with promotion of Christmas events, only 78 more sleeps {sorry couldn’t resist that!}. I am already looking forward to more twinkly lights that the festive season brings. Personally, I would have them strewn all over the house all year long.

The October days are so pretty, on my walk with Trevor this afternoon the trees were just stunning, the colours took my breath away and the smell of burning wood was in the air…oh how I LOVE Autumn!

Yesterday was National Poetry Day, here in the UK, if you missed my post about it you can catch up with it here, if you like. Do you have a favourite poem?

I have been thinking about my friend Grace this week too. She is in a singing competition with her chorus in Vegas. I hope they have a fantastic time and fingers crossed that they win!

Wishing you a very happy weekend.

If you would like to share your own words and pictures, then please do. You can either share in comments or link to your blog.

If you are on twitter, you can share there too…use #wordspictures or #thisweek

You can find me on twitter, here… @WSmostlywriting




Today, here in the UK, it’s National Poetry Day. There are some great resources on the website, which you will find here including this wonderful anthology.

The theme this year is ‘light’, so I thought I would write my own poem to celebrate the day.


The low October sun
Holds me in golden light
As I tread a carpet
Of fallen Autumn leaves.

I also want to share this poem as I think it is simply delightful…

Autumn ~ T. E. Hulme

A touch of cold in the Autumn night-
I walked abroad,
And saw the ruddy moon lean over a hedge
Like a red-faced farmer.
I did not stop to speak, but nodded,
And round about were the wistful stars
With white faces like town children.

I hope you are having a great Thursday?

this week {words & pictures}

this week - friday 2 october 2015

For me this week has gone very fast…how about you? Blink and I might have missed it. I cannot believe October is here already {sure I must say the same thing every year} but really…the 10th month, already? Soon be Christmas at this rate {sorry!}.

We have had foggy mornings and golden-lit evenings most days. I have been fascinated by all the spiders webs on my morning walks, hung with pearls from the damp air. My poor feet don’t know what is happening…I have started the day in boots and ended in sandals!

We have friends coming later for the evening, I cannot wait…the cake you see in the photos is for dessert, it’s an Apple and Double Cream Loaf. The recipe is from one of my favourite magazines, Landscape which is full of wonderful articles on gardening, crafts animals and much more…I love it.

The lanterns you see are from my dad’s {and mum’s} garden, I have some for the house every year…they are a true reminder that Autumn is here and this year a reminder of my lovely mum, in her birthday month.

I do hope you have had a good week?

If you would like to share your own words and pictures, then please do. You can either share in comments or link to your blog.

If you are on twitter, you can share there too…use #wordspictures or #thisweek

You can find me on twitter, here… @WSmostlywriting


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