As the new year draws close…

…I wish you all an abundance of happiness, love, joy and all the things that make your heart sing!

I will be looking for the extraordinary in the ordinary, the small things that bring big joy, light, love and happiness.

Giving thanks to each and every person who visits me here, Jane xx

{sharing some of my favourite photos from 2015}

2015 image collage



It’s been over three weeks since I wrote here, it’s flown to be honest, just like the rest of the year. It was a little break from blogging that I needed, but didn’t know I needed. We can have a break can’t we from this blogging thing, the world won’t end, it rolls on regardless and here I am back in this space as if nothing happened. I do hope you are well?

Life has been a bit busy {or maybe that’s just my head space} as it seems to get at this time of year, but all seems to be done, just a little hoovering and tidying and then I am ready for the big day {dear me, all this for one day?}. I intend to do a lot of relaxing over the next week, rest is needed so much as this year draws to a close. I won’t say I am glad to see it end, but the beginning was not great and I am hoping for more closure and lots of joy in 2016. We have a holiday booked already, so that’s a start.

I would like to thank everyone who has visited my blog over this past year, new friends and old and also for the love, light and support I have felt here. We all have struggles in our lives, I am not alone, but a kind word can mean so much. From the bottom of my heart, I THANK YOU.

I wish you JOY in your lives over the festive season and always.

Much love, Jane x



Tea & Paper

Moments of Joy

April Coady Poetry

Life is adventure, poetry and love.

Susan Rushton

Celebrating gardens, photography and a creative life

Angela Topping

Poet and Educator

Buone Storie & Corse

Parti, osserva, fermati, scatta. Riparti!

Geen Geenie

Writer & Artist Bridgeen Gillespie

Michelle GD

tiny moments (and everything in between)

Loving Leisure Time

This is how I spend my quality free time...

Lonestar Lauren

Life and travels of a native Texan.


"Our Internal Depiction is complex yet original."

Wild Soul Grace

staying present : living and dying

Joshi Daniel Photography

Photoblog of Joshi Daniel

Hands on Bowie & Jimi

You know, it's cool for cats.