here & now

Well, it’s been a while since my last post, nearly four weeks, and in that time spring has all but sprung…deep joy!

I haven’t been doing anything special to keep me away, well perhaps I have, living life is pretty special after all, but you know what I mean…there hasn’t been any particular reason. An unscheduled break, I guess.

I spent the most part of yesterday gardening {in a fashion} clearing and weeding the borders, sweeping and generally tidying up after winter. It was a tonic and just what was needed after a busy week.

There is something about gardening, isn’t there?  It’s not my strong point, but when I am out there I find it hopeful, fulfilling and calming. I have an intention to do it more and really want to stick to it. Our garden has been a play area for so many years {which I loved} but now our son is 17 it is time to make it a place to sit and admire and just be…dog allowing!

Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace ~ May Sarton

It’s nice to be back, thanks for the gentle push Elizabeth x

Tea & Paper

Moments of Joy

April Coady Poetry

Life is adventure, poetry and love.

Susan Rushton

Celebrating gardens, photography and a creative life

Angela Topping

Poet and Educator

Buone Storie & Corse

Parti, osserva, fermati, scatta. Riparti!

Geen Geenie

Writer & Artist Bridgeen Gillespie

Michelle GD

tiny moments (and everything in between)

Loving Leisure Time

This is how I spend my quality free time...

Lonestar Lauren

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"Our Internal Depiction is complex yet original."

Wild Soul Grace

staying present : living and dying

Joshi Daniel Photography

Photoblog of Joshi Daniel

Hands on Bowie & Jimi

You know, it's cool for cats.