this week {words & pictures}

this week - friday 26 february 2016

Hello and how are you? Good week? I hope so.

First of all I cannot believe it is the last weekend of February. March is just around the corner and with it, hopefully, Spring…hooray! That said, the weather this week has been lovely, lots of sun, but very low temperatures. There was a good frost most morning this week, which I actually quite like. There is something about seeing my own breath that makes me feel like a child again.

I attended a friend’s mum’s funeral this week, it was a lovely and personal service, but incredibly sad all the same. I could put myself in my friend’s shoes just over a year ago and my heart went out to her. As with these things, we had a glass of wine and a lot of laughter afterwards, I think laughing is a kind of relief after a funeral.

My husband and I went to see my son in a music festival last night. It was the longest concert I have ever been to {I thought we might have to bed down for the night at one point} but the band my son is in sounded great and they came second in their category!

It is the last week of 28 Moments and I will be SO sad when it has ended, I have loved every minute…thank you, thank you, thank you Michelle. This week’s theme is home and I wrote this as response to a prompt, so I thought I would share it here too…

Home is where my heart is and where I hold the hearts of my loved ones close.
It is where I have laughed until I have cried.
It is where despair has descended bringing with it darkness, but where light has eventually penetrated.
It is where I nuzzled my son’s milky cheeks, laid him next to me and listened to his gurgling as the sun came up.
It is where we have shouted and silence has come as we thought of our cruel words and then realised how much love we have and the way our lives have been woven together over the years…and how lucky we are.
It is the place where friends come to eat and drink and laugh and be themselves.
It is where my mum was when I saw her last…she loved our home and that makes me so happy.
It is where I feel like me.
It is where a million memories have been made and are remembered, often.
It is the place I fall asleep and know all will be well.
It is HOME.
 Wishing you a happy Friday and a good weekend x

Sunday silence

Summer days and beach trips

{no. 1}

Capturing the essence of stillness, quiet, peace or contentment {in one image}…

Join me if you wish? #sundaysilence

this week {words & pictures}

this week - friday 19 february 2016

Hello and how are you, did you have a good week? I hope so.

Do you have snow? We were supposed to, but it never materialised. I wait and hope…

I have been focusing on nature this week, thanks to Michelle’s wonderful course 28 Moments. It has really made me look at everything, not just the usual pretty things nature offers, but the untidy bits too. Sometimes there is so much beauty to be found in the unexpected, the things you would ordinarily overlook…

Other news is, I have officially become a school governor, which is exciting and quite daunting at the same time. I have a lot to learn and I very much look forward to my new role and a bit of a challenge.

Also, I have one of my photographs on the front cover of a just-released book of poetry entitled ‘Echolocation’ by Becky Cherriman. I am so pleased with how it looks and cannot wait for a copy to arrive, not just for the photo, but to read Becky’s work. It is published by Mother’s Milk Books, a small press run by a bloggy friend of mine, Teika.

A happy Friday to you all and wishes for a wonderful weekend x



here & now…



…I am grateful for a warm house on, what is almost certainly, the coldest day of the year so far.

We have a terribly ineffectual heating system at work, so these Winter days I am doubly happy to get home.

The dog is at my feet, he got wind of a walk {I may have accidentally said the word} so is now waiting patiently…bless him.

We have eaten and the house is quiet, except for the swish of cars driving by, homeward bound no doubt.

My here and now feels good, I am a little tired, but that’s okay because the signs of Spring give hope for an end to these weary Winter months.

How about you? How is your here and now?

this week {words & pictures}

this week - 12 february 2016

This week has been a wonderful mix of quiet {extra }days off work and the usual routine. I used to work two and  half days when my son was younger, but now I work four days and sometimes I long to go back. I do feel lucky to always have a three day weekend, some people are not so fortunate, I know.

Taking part in 28 Moments continues to delight and inspire, so much loveliness to enjoy there, I am going to have to take part every February now, it makes this cold winter month so much more of a pleasure.

A parcel arrived this week from my friend Grace, she has sent me some note cards with her beautiful artwork on them, I was delighted. She is one talented {and lovely} lady!

I have just spent the afternoon with a great friend of mine, catching up, shopping and eating…one of the nicest ways to spend a few hours {especially when it involves a couple of beers too!}.

Apart from being a little tired, life has felt good this week, a few Spring flowers about the place always helps too.

Wishing you a happy Friday and a great weekend x


this week {words & pictures}

this week - friday 5th january 2016

It’s a very grey Saturday afternoon as I sit and type, but it feels cosy and that’s always good, right? We have had lots of bright sunny days this week, so I reckoned we were due a bit of rain…I was right.

It’s been a fairly quiet week, but that is no bad thing, I like quiet weeks. Obviously there has been work and we had a meal out with my dad, which was nice {the wine in the photo was kindly donated to me from my dad…he knows me}.

On Thursday my son had an open evening to attend at the college he wants to go to when he leaves school this year {my stomach flipped when I typed that}. My husband and I went along with him and it all looks pretty great. His career goal is something in music {maybe teaching} and the music department at the college seems really good, so it was all very positive. I felt incredibly excited for my son and so very proud of him {I am tearing up thinking about it all} I am blessed, that’s for sure.

Comfort food seems to have been the theme around here this week, lots of baked potatoes, pasta and a homemade cake {not terribly good for the waistline though!}. Food in general has been on my mind, as this week’s subject for Michelle’s wonderful offering 28 Moments is ‘food’. I cannot recommend her course enough, it is such a beautiful way to spend February.

Well that was my week, hope yours was good?

Have a really great weekend folks x

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