An early evening walk


hog weed


Early evening

sun ebbing slowly west

at the end of a too-hot day.


We walked

on dirt tracks flanked with hog weed

and freckled by percolated light.


Breathing deep

 as the day’s heat waned

under trees alive with birdsong.

Preserving memories with words.

Joining in with writealm’s July prompt-a-day

today’s prompt is ‘preserve’




I wake and already

the heat of summer

has crept into

every corner;


I rise slowly

my legs heavy

sleep not yet ready

to leave my body.

I wander

with the heat

on my heels

pushing open

every window;

and a breeze

like chiffon,

soft and invisible,

billows in

gently touching

damp skin.

Joining in with writealm’s July prompt-a-day

today’s prompt is ‘chiffon’


Falls of Leny

Falls of Leny

In this place

With water pure

From ancient hills

Running like blood

Through veins of earth

Flowing o’er time-worn rocks;

We stood with hearts open

And let nature fill our souls.


This photograph was taken 10 years ago at The Falls of Leny in Scotland. We were just doing a bit of rock hopping when a gentleman joined us with his pipes and began to play. It was a little surreal and incredibly emotional…one of my most treasured memories. When we visit the falls again next week, I will take a photo of my son now, but I won’t hold my breath for a pipe serenade this time!

Two subjects I love to write about are memories and nature…they really inspire me, so every Friday I will post either a poem, prose, story or a photograph with perhaps a few words based on one of these two subjects.

If you wish to join in, then please leave a link in comments or use the hashtag #MemoriesNature on Twitter or alternatively leave a comment on my Facebook page, whichever suits you best.

Writing memories and nature every Friday…the kettle is on.



The alarm will not be set; redundant for a while. We will rise when our bodies have rested and go to bed when they are tired. Life will take on a different beat…more adagio than allegro. Things will be less orderly and more ad-lib…oh how this makes my heart sing.

These days, they are precious; before we know it our boy will have flown the nest and a new chapter of our lives will begin. But while this chapter is still being written we will soak it up and enjoy every minute!

Wishing you a summer filled with memories to treasure.

Joining in with writealm’s July prompt-a-day

today’s prompt is ‘intuitive’


I will write

I will write 2


There is a fire in my belly that burns; fuelled by the will and hunger to be better.  Ignited when the words come flowing; when the keyboard clicks or my pen flicks across the white expanse where once there was nothing. Like tumbling ants the words fall from my brain and onto the page; the desire fed and I breath deeply because writing feels SO good.

This is why I continue every day whether it’s good or bad, whether it makes it into a blog post or not. Squeezed into ten minutes between finishing work and cooking dinner, written as sleep is calling, penned in my lunch hour…I WILL WRITE.

Joining in with writealm’s July prompt-a-day

today’s prompt is ‘desire’

Just the right yellow

Just the right yellow 1


Dear Slugs,

I have been taking good care of these flowers and I like them very much (photo enclosed), they are just the right yellow; warm and sunny. Also, they make me feel really happy when I am sitting in the garden.

I have noticed leaves going missing and a mysterious gooey substance on some of the flowers. Now, I don’t want to accuse anyone, but do you happen to know anything about this?

Yours hopefully,


P.S.  There is also a stalk where a tomato plant used to be…any ideas?

Joining in with writealm’s July prompt-a-day

today’s prompt is ‘taking care’



Seasons loved



I watch you fall from winter’s keep

Gracious season; you’ve waited long

Returned to life from cold earth sleep

To sing your sweet and radiant song.



As summer bids farewell

My beloved autumn waits.

Place your golden hand in mine

Let’s travel the road to winter.

It’s been warm this past week…dead heat some days, which I do not enjoy. It makes me miss spring and autumn…the seasons I love most . I won’t complain though as there is much to love about summer; time off work (whoop!), slowing down and a holiday (double whoop!).

Two subjects I love to write about are memories and nature…they really inspire me, so every Friday I will post either a poem, prose, story or a photograph with perhaps a few words based on one of these two subjects.

If you wish to join in, then please leave a link in comments or use the hashtag #MemoriesNature on Twitter or alternatively leave a comment on my Facebook page, whichever suits you best.

Writing memories and nature every Friday…the kettle is on.


Tommy 2

Tommy 1

He is ginger and he is soft, both fur and heart, and he is truly the loveliest cat in the world. We only borrow him from our neighbour…she knows and thinks it’s sweet. He has visited us for 16 years and we love him very much…our (borrowed) cat.

Joining in with writealm’s July prompt-a-day

today’s prompt is ‘soft’

Kitchen floor

Dark sea

In the darkness of early morning the kitchen floor looked like a deep grey pool. As she stepped from the soft grassiness of the carpet, she imagined falling into the dark abyss, wanted to, because he might be there…waiting.

She flicked the kettle on for a cup of tea, a new habit formed out of desperation, searching for comfort when it couldn’t be found in sleep.

The kitchen was stifling, unbearable. She pushed open the window and the room inhaled the cool, salty air. She could hear the sea; it sounded soothing but she knew its cruelty.

He’d been missing for ten days now, but she knew where he was. People had been so kind, they said there was still hope, but in their eyes other words; unspoken.

A seagull screamed, cutting through the silence. She felt trapped between needing sleep; nothingness and the inevitability of the coming dawn. Another day when he would not return but pretending he would…only her and the sea, knowing.

Joining in with writealm’s July prompt-a-day

today’s prompt is ‘kitchen floor’


powder blue sky

There is movement

Of the sparrow’s wings

And the branch where he lands.

Of feasting bees; never still

And summer breeze

Through sun-drenched trees.

Clouds drifting lazily

O’er powder blue canvas sky

And my spirit; moved

By the grace and beauty

Of nature’s work.

Joining in with writealm’s July prompt-a-day

today’s prompt is ‘movement’

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