Sunday silence

232d833b-2ec8-409d-916d-85e067f876f8no. 20}

Capturing the essence of stillness, quiet, peace, contemplation or contentment {in one image}…

Join me if you wish? #sundaysilence

here & now

img_0234There are twinkly lights, decorations and cards on the mantle {I really must get more of mine written!}.

I am a little tired {I know I will not be alone} but it’s nothing a week off between Christmas and New Year won’t solve…phew!

Thoughts of my mum are popping into my head more frequently, it’s that time of year. She loved having us all for Christmas, even though in latter years I know she found it tiring, but still she loved it. I miss her.

There are lots of festivities to look forward to with family and friends, which makes me happy, but I have to admit that I am also looking forward to some peace and quiet over the holidays!

That’s my here & now, how is yours looking?


Sunday silence


{no. 19}

Capturing the essence of stillness, quiet, peace, contemplation or contentment {in one image}…

Join me if you wish? #sundaysilence


Sunday silence


{no. 18}

Capturing the essence of stillness, quiet, peace, contemplation or contentment {in one image}…

Join me if you wish? #sundaysilence


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