
quietude 4


As this year comes to an end and another waits in the wings, I have been thinking, as many of us do, what will 2015 hold? The answer is, I don’t know, none of us do really. We can set goals, and that’s a good thing. We can have dreams, even better, but we never really know what the future holds. This year, for me, has thrown up many unexpected things, some truly wonderful and some not so much, such is life.

So, after much soul-searching (and reading this lovely blog post) I have decided there will be no resolutions for 2015, just the addition of a word, one I want to weave gently through this coming year…quietude.

I know all too well my own faults; I am a worrier and can also be a little too quick to react, so I want 2015 to be different, I want a little peace in my life. I want the knot, two often in my stomach, to unravel, the clenching of my teeth to ease.

Don’t get me wrong there are many moments of pure joy in my life, time with my family, friends and alone but too much of this year has been spent worrying or reacting badly to situations and I will not allow this coming year to be a repeat. Time to get weaving!

What do you want from the new year?

Heartfelt thanks to you for visiting my little space and for your support in 2014 and I wish you much  h a p p i n e s s  and  q u i e t u d e  for the coming year x

A huge thank you also to Amanda at Writealm for so many wonderful prompts throughout the year and for your encouragement x


All that is good


It is time to savour

all that is good;

the twinkling lights

and the people

I love most in the world.

A time not to think

not to worry.

A time just to be,

to breath.

A time to find a quietness

in my soul.

 Writing along with December prompts from writealm.

Silver lining

Hydrangea 3

The winter sun setting and painting our faded, yet still incredibly beautiful Hydrangea, with gold.

A little silver lining at the end of a busy day.

Have a great weekend!

Writing along with December prompts from writealm using today’s prompt ‘silver’.



Outside, autumn wanes,

as winter unfurls.

Darkness comes early these days;

but inside, we bathe,

in lamplight’s golden glow.

 Writing along with December prompts from writealm using yesterday’s prompt ‘lamplight’.

The letter

The letter

 I took it with me in my pocket, that day.

Just me, the letter and the howling wind, together on that hill.

I knew what it said without ever reading a word. I knew what tenderness there would be, what pain; and as the wind howled louder, drowning out the sound of my heart breaking, I tore at your words like a wild animal, shredded every one and set you free, on that hill.

Writing along with December prompts from writealm using today’s prompt ‘missive’.

Bang your drums


Drumming 1


Bang your drums, my son,  r e s o n a t e  and let the world know you exist; for you are too precious, too amazing to hide in the shadows.

I am so proud, from a shy ‘wouldn’t say boo to a goose’ child, he is growing, every day, into a wonderful young man, tender, intelligent, talented and funny…I love him so xx

Writing along with December prompts from writealm using today’s prompt ‘resonate’.

December morning

December morning

An early December morning.

The sky, clearest blue, a blush of peach hugging the horizon and frost, sprinkled like fine sugar.

Warm air spews into the cold from a neighbour’s vent as birds swoop against this clear day.

The Virginia creeper, now bare, bereft of all autumnal jewels, makes me feel the littlest bit melancholy; winter is coming.

Up alone, quiet settling around me, I enjoy the peace and feel suddenly so grateful for the warmth of our home…for belonging.

Writing along with December prompts from writealm using Monday’s prompt ‘coming’…thanks Amanda.

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