
{Sharing my weekend with Karen over at Pumpkin Sunrise, always such a delightful place to visit}

This weekend was much needed and with an extra day {today} tagged on, too! That extra day makes all the difference, every weekend should have one.

We haven’t really done a great deal, staying around the house mostly and walking locally with Trevor. We do live close to a stunning park {I am pretty sure I have mentioned that before} for which I am so grateful. It’s a real dog walkers park and we meet all kinds of lovely creatures {and their people}. I particularly love the park in autumn, I cannot wait for all the trees to turn from green to shades of orange and brown, what a delight it is!


My son got his exams results last Thursday and he has done really well, I am so proud I could burst. He is really happy and excited about starting college next month. How wonderful it is to be 16, all your life ahead of you and a million new experiences to discover…


I hope your weekend has been a good one and I wish you a very lovely week.

Until next time…



here & now

IMG_8262IMG_8264It is a sunny afternoon and I can see the washing blowing on the line outside as I tap away on my keyboard. There are some pretty flowers, from a friend, on the table and as I admire them I am also thinking that it has been far too long since I was last here. I have REALLY missed this space, my little escape. I have missed my friends here, too.

I won’t bore you with details of why I haven’t been here, just that work is very busy and life in general, and it’s been hard to focus on other things. You know how it is sometimes.

I have felt a slight shift in the seasons since my last post, while the days are warm, the odd morning has been chilly and foggy, a sign that autumn is not so far away {Karen, I know you will be glad to see that word}. I love autumn, I know the days shorten, but it just feels right to me {for me}. I believe we all have a season that is our own and mine is definitely autumn. I’d love it if you would share ‘your’ season.

I do hope you are all well and enjoying your days.

Bye for now and take care x

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