A word with Winter


I had a little word with Winter today and apparently he’s here for a while.

I told him that’s fine, because I know Mother Nature likes to keep a tight ship.

I asked {in almost a whisper} if it was okay to have Spring flowers in the house, cause it’s always best to check these things, and he said, ‘Yeah, sure, why not’.

What a good egg.

Wishing you a bright and happy week, Jane x



Felt flower

Remember my post on Monday? Well, this is what I made…


As I wear a lot of dark clothes {black…mainly} adding a bit of colour is always nice.

Brooch 2

Sewing my own accessories is great way to do this and they are a joy to create.

Frosted leaves




Just an ordinary day, getting ready for the back to work/back to school routine and not particularly wanting to do any of it…digging deep today with a head cold and not much will. However, venturing out for a bit of fresh air in the garden felt good and the camera came too…frosted leaves are so pretty.

Enjoying the little things.



quietude 4


As this year comes to an end and another waits in the wings, I have been thinking, as many of us do, what will 2015 hold? The answer is, I don’t know, none of us do really. We can set goals, and that’s a good thing. We can have dreams, even better, but we never really know what the future holds. This year, for me, has thrown up many unexpected things, some truly wonderful and some not so much, such is life.

So, after much soul-searching (and reading this lovely blog post) I have decided there will be no resolutions for 2015, just the addition of a word, one I want to weave gently through this coming year…quietude.

I know all too well my own faults; I am a worrier and can also be a little too quick to react, so I want 2015 to be different, I want a little peace in my life. I want the knot, two often in my stomach, to unravel, the clenching of my teeth to ease.

Don’t get me wrong there are many moments of pure joy in my life, time with my family, friends and alone but too much of this year has been spent worrying or reacting badly to situations and I will not allow this coming year to be a repeat. Time to get weaving!

What do you want from the new year?

Heartfelt thanks to you for visiting my little space and for your support in 2014 and I wish you much  h a p p i n e s s  and  q u i e t u d e  for the coming year x

A huge thank you also to Amanda at Writealm for so many wonderful prompts throughout the year and for your encouragement x


You were there

July 2014 123

You were there when we moved into our beloved home…as if to welcome us. You were not ours but we loved you as if you were. You were a pleasure, the loveliest cat we have ever known, gentle and oh so funny. Tommy, our borrowed cat, our furry friend…how we will miss you.

Rest in peace Tommy x

Inspired by the most gentle creature I have ever known and using today’s Writealm prompt ‘pleasure’.

Essence of summer – a reflection


When I first read yesterday’s prompt ‘essence of summer’ my instinct was to  make a list of things I love about summer (open windows, days out, flowers, cloudless skies…you get the picture) but I didn’t have time to finish the post and it never got published. So, today I reflected on the list, and while everything on it still stands, there is only really one thing that describes the essence of summer for me and that is time with my family.

From mid-July there is no school for 6 weeks and my husband and I have as much time off work as possible. We have a holiday planned, a week in Scotland, and the rest of the time will be filled with lazy days (oh, the joy of not having to get up for anything), trips to the seaside and just generally spending time together. Years go by so fast, our boy will be 15 next birthday, so I am going to cling onto our time together this summer like my life depends on it and savour every single minute.

Creating along with writealm’s June prompt-a-day

today’s prompt is ‘reflect’

Please click on the writealm button (right) for more prompts.

Two things

Two things

In 2002 I became a little concerned that I had been having periods, without much of a break, for around 8 weeks. For me, this was very abnormal as my periods had always been incredibly regular, so I made an appointment to see a doctor.

At my appointment I explained what was going on to the female doctor, confident she would be understanding, but unfortunately she wasn’t. What came out of her mouth in response to my explanation still rings in my ears 12 years later.

‘What do you want me to do about it?’

This was not asked out of care or concern, it was asked intimating that I was wasting her time. I was completely taken aback and stupidly just accepted her poor care…how I wish now I had insisted she had sent me for a smear test.

One year later I was invited for a smear and that was when the cancer was found. I am not saying that if the doctor had sent me for a smear in 2002 the outcome would have been any different, but it might have been. I might not have had to have surgery and I might have been able to have more children…I will never know.

As Cervical Screening Awareness Week begins, there are two things I want to impress on you:

1. Go for your smear…I know it’s uncomfortable and embarrassing, but the consequences of not going can be far worse.

2. If you are having irregular periods (please don’t panic, not all irregular periods indicate cervical changes) please go to your doctor and if they try to brush it off please, PLEASE insist on a smear…God knows I wish I had.

I am very lucky that 12 years down the line I am here and healthy, but I am more than aware that everyone who has cervical cancer will not be so lucky.

We are so very fortunate to have access to cervical screening, so please, please, please ladies, don’t miss your appointment.

Jane x

p.s. I am not trying to vilify all doctors, the vast majority are caring and very helpful.


Tulips 2


Sometimes you find yourself in a place; a situation you hadn’t reckoned on. Sunday was supposed to be a relaxed day with a lovely meal cooked by wonderful friends. Alas, instead, I managed to somehow slip in the shower and launch myself onto the bathroom floor…not a good move.

After a trip to A & E, happily nothing was broken, I find myself unable to use my right arm properly and a trip to the physiotherapist planned for next week. But, it could have been a lot worse as I was heading straight towards a wall, putting my arm out was probably the best thing I could have done.

So today I am sat at home, a little weary, tapping on the iPad with one hand but thankful that my fall has left me relatively unscathed.

I hope you had a good weekend, without any mishaps!


Writing, learning and connecting with April prompt-a-day over at write alm; today’s is


Tea & Paper

Moments of Joy

April Coady Poetry

Life is adventure, poetry and love.

Susan Rushton

Celebrating gardens, photography and a creative life

Angela Topping

Poet and Educator

Buone Storie & Corse

Parti, osserva, fermati, scatta. Riparti!

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Michelle GD

tiny moments (and everything in between)

Loving Leisure Time

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Lonestar Lauren

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Wild Soul Grace

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Hands on Bowie & Jimi

You know, it's cool for cats.