The Monochrome Muse

Make a wish

I have been invited by my friend, Ellie, to join her new project, The Monochrome Muse, which you can check out here.

Now, I just love black and white photography, so when Ellie asked me to contribute, I jumped at the chance. There is just something so wonderful about black and white photographs, the nostalgic feelings they evoke, their timelessness and the fact that you are not distracted by colour and instead see the texture, light, tones and shapes, which can be truly magical.

I hope you will take a look and enjoy the lovely images posted over there and perhaps join us?

Day 5…

…of the 5 Day Black & White Challenge.

So, it’s the last day of the challenge and I have really enjoyed it. I have realised that I particularly enjoy the contrast of light and dark that black and white photography gives. Thanks for inviting me Elizabeth!

For day 5 I am going to invite Angie, a beautiful person with a wonderful blog called ‘So Angie Writes’. Angie, I invite you to take the challenge, but please don’t feel obliged.

My last image was taking this morning at work…


Day 4…

…of the 5 Day Black & White Challenge.

I don’t really like photographs of myself (I always look a bit odd) but when doing a self-portrait you have more control over the photograph and what the final version will look like.  So this is me…well, part of me, plus my camera and a bit of overlaying.

Today I am going to invite Emma over at Blu Chicken Ninja to take part in the challenge. She has a great blog and a brilliant sense of humour. Emma, please don’t feel you have to join in, only if you want to : )


Day 3…

…of the 5 Day Black & White Challenge.

PJs drying on the radiator. That boy would wear those things everywhere if he could.

Just flying in before bath and bed…night all!


A challenge

I have been invited by the lovely Elizabeth from Tea & Paper to join in the ‘5 day Black & White Challenge’. Here are the two rules:  (1) During 5 days publish a black and white photo and (2) invite another photographer to participate each day. I am not sure I will make all 5 days, but here is my first offering.

Ellie from Lifechimes, I invite you to take the challenge : )

I am also currently taking part in Michelle’s 28 Moments, which is proving to be both a tonic and an inspiration. I would recommend you take part in the next one, if you can. Michelle puts so much thought and work into the course…it is truly wonderful.

I just love the way black and white shows the light and dark so clearly…


Silver lining

Hydrangea 3

The winter sun setting and painting our faded, yet still incredibly beautiful Hydrangea, with gold.

A little silver lining at the end of a busy day.

Have a great weekend!

Writing along with December prompts from writealm using today’s prompt ‘silver’.

Bang your drums


Drumming 1


Bang your drums, my son,  r e s o n a t e  and let the world know you exist; for you are too precious, too amazing to hide in the shadows.

I am so proud, from a shy ‘wouldn’t say boo to a goose’ child, he is growing, every day, into a wonderful young man, tender, intelligent, talented and funny…I love him so xx

Writing along with December prompts from writealm using today’s prompt ‘resonate’.

G r a t i t u d e

Pink Cyclamen

In a week that has both managed to beat me and at the same time whoosh by, I have been quietly grateful for many things, not least a wonderful daily email from Michelle and of course her beautiful daily blog posts as part of Gratitude Week 2014.

I won’t lie, on a couple of occasions it has been hard to feel grateful this week (which is very unlike me). However, in the midst of a what felt like wading through treacle (we all have weeks like this!) there is always something…my son’s never ending cheerfulness, my husband’s ability to laugh through pain, my own ability to tell myself to get a grip and of course the love of dear friends.

Even though I feel like I let this week win, there was still some good in every day…thanks Michelle for reminding me and for making my week a better one x

Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Tea & Paper

Moments of Joy

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Susan Rushton

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Angela Topping

Poet and Educator

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Parti, osserva, fermati, scatta. Riparti!

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Michelle GD

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You know, it's cool for cats.