A challenge

I have been invited by the lovely Elizabeth from Tea & Paper to join in the ‘5 day Black & White Challenge’. Here are the two rules:  (1) During 5 days publish a black and white photo and (2) invite another photographer to participate each day. I am not sure I will make all 5 days, but here is my first offering.

Ellie from Lifechimes, I invite you to take the challenge : )

I am also currently taking part in Michelle’s 28 Moments, which is proving to be both a tonic and an inspiration. I would recommend you take part in the next one, if you can. Michelle puts so much thought and work into the course…it is truly wonderful.

I just love the way black and white shows the light and dark so clearly…


10 Replies to “A challenge”

  1. Hi Janey, love your photo, I knew you would post something simple and beautiful, the light shows up much more in black and white without the colours distraction. During these 5 days I learned a lot how to take a b&w photo that says a lot. Thanks for joining the challenge!

  2. Pingback: Day 2… |
  3. Pingback: Day 4… |

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