
17 April 2011 019

Leap, I will

Into a fresh month

With its promise of newness

And winter bedding down.


Leap, I will

Into heavenly birdsong

and thoughts of delicate blooms

like ruffled silk.


Leap, I will

With the energy of hope

That only this

New season brings.


Leap, I will

There is no going back

She is calling me to her

And gladly, I follow.

Writing along with February prompt-a-day over at write alm; today’s prompt is ‘Leap’

O sweet, delusive Noon, Which the morning climbs to find, O moment sped too soon, And morning left behind.

Helen Hunt Jackson

February spent already, and I feel a quickening pace of time with every month that passes. It frightens me a little, but the only way to deal with it is to live it as fully as I can.

Have a great Friday!

Seventies Childhood

Balmy summers

Riding bikes

Endless days

And ice pops


Snow drifts

Hot crumpets

Power cuts

And mitten strings.


Seaside holidays

Penny slots

Rock pools

And jumping waves.


Autumn leaves

Woodland walks

Bonfire nights

And toffee apples.


Building dens

Cloud watching

Hand stands

And water fights.



When the sun shone all summer long

Winter was a crisp, white adventure

And time travelled slowly.

Writing along with February prompt-a-day over at write alm; today’s prompt is ‘mitten strings’

Left unsaid

My heart was ripped from my chest

Those words distant yet deafening,

Hitting me in the stomach

Like a million punches.


Even sat down, my legs buckled beneath me,

This ugliness was inside me.

There was no escape;

No hiding place.


When I thought I might die

I wanted you to know,

That every minute of every day

I loved you.


That having you, changed everything.

I couldn’t leave,

Not now, I had so much to tell you.

So many memories waiting to be made with you.


You were only young when the monster came.

I hid it from you with normality,

Protected you from its roar;

All my fears, left unsaid.

Writing, growing, learning and connecting with February prompt-a-day over at write alm; today’s is ‘left unsaid’.

My favourite things

Tiny hands

I sit in my favourite room…it is quiet, apart from the click-click of the heating and my boy laughing upstairs.

I look up from my book and survey this space…

The wooden cats on the windowsill, that everyday, remind me of the beloved and beautiful friend who gave them to me.

Framed and hung on the wall, the piece of sewing created by my son when he was oh so small, reminding me of how tiny his hands were and how hard they must have worked.

Photographs; memories of trips to the beach and people we love.

The wonderful ceramic tile, bought in Portugal, just after we’d eaten delicious cakes from the most beautiful patisserie I have ever been in.

I believe a home should be an extension of what you are, filled with memories and meaningful things that remind you of people you love and special places you have been; your favourite things.

Writing, growing, learning and connecting with February prompt-a-day over at write alm; today’s is ‘my favourite things’.

Seek wonder


The simple wonder on a child’s face is one of the most beautiful things on this earth. So natural is it to a child, like breathing, part of their very being; curiosity so strong.

Looking up at the sky with wide-eyes, not yet used to the ordinariness of the passing clouds of life. Everything fresh, a new experience, unencumbered by the weight of adulthood.

Oh, to carry the wonder of a child with you all of your life, that pure joy filling your every fibre. But, although we are heavy with responsibility there are still glimpses of this joy.

It is not lost. It is in a glorious sunset, the sound of the sea, the world through the eyes of your own child. Found in the fabric of life if only we choose to remember; to seek wonder.

Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old ~ Franz Kafka

Writing, growing, learning and connecting with February prompt-a-day over at write alm; today’s is ‘seek wonder’.

A room of one’s own

a room of one's own

I came across it a few weeks ago…the door was ajar, so I peeked inside. I liked what I saw; it intrigued, inspired, reignited.

It is where I found a voice that I thought I had lost, somewhere in a past life.

This place is mine; it is where I can bleed, rejoice, weep, connect, heal, share, vent, discover, feel truly creative. Where anything seems possible and so much more.

It’s not just writing, it is a room of my own, a place I need to visit, every day.

Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I don’t feel like I should be doing something else.  Gloria Steinem

Writing, growing, learning and connecting with February prompt-a-day over at write alm; today’s is ‘a room of one’s own’.

Slowly, slowly


As winter begins to retreat

Slowly, slowly

And spring waits in the wings


Thoughts turn to warmer days

Slowly, slowly

The sun risen before our day begins.


Trees stretch their branches, awakening

Slowly, slowly

Flowers too, crocuses and delicate snowdrops.


Body and mind ready to shed their winter coats

Slowly, slowly

This long awaited season, unfolding


Writing, growing, learning and connecting with February prompt-a-day over at write alm; today’s is ‘balm for the soul’.

The prospect of spring is certainly a balm for the soul…winter, for me, weighs heavy in February.

I wish you a happy and sunny Friday : )

Good fortune

flowers 1

Waking up every day in a warm bed. A roof over our heads. Food in our bellies. A smile from my kind-hearted son. Laughing with Mr. C. The bus I thought I had missed, arriving. Treasured friends. A glass of red wine. Trips to the seaside. Surviving cancer. Spending time with my family. A favourite song on the radio. A warm bath. Being loved. Writing. A smile from a stranger. That compliment you didn’t expect. Books. A cuppa tea. The sun through the blinds. The flowers given by my mum and so much more.

Good fortune woven into our lives every day.

Writing, growing, learning and connecting with February prompt-a-day over at write alm; today’s is ‘good fortune’.

This prompt made me think of all the good things in my life. Of course, there will always be the crappy bits, but sometimes we have to remind ourselves how fortunate we are.

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