here & now

Well, it’s been a while since my last post, nearly four weeks, and in that time spring has all but sprung…deep joy!

I haven’t been doing anything special to keep me away, well perhaps I have, living life is pretty special after all, but you know what I mean…there hasn’t been any particular reason. An unscheduled break, I guess.

I spent the most part of yesterday gardening {in a fashion} clearing and weeding the borders, sweeping and generally tidying up after winter. It was a tonic and just what was needed after a busy week.

There is something about gardening, isn’t there?  It’s not my strong point, but when I am out there I find it hopeful, fulfilling and calming. I have an intention to do it more and really want to stick to it. Our garden has been a play area for so many years {which I loved} but now our son is 17 it is time to make it a place to sit and admire and just be…dog allowing!

Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace ~ May Sarton

It’s nice to be back, thanks for the gentle push Elizabeth x

Sunday silence


{no. 24}

Capturing the essence of stillness, quiet, peace, contemplation or contentment {in one image}…

Join me if you wish? #sundaysilence


here & now

20a4b096-feae-4cf0-a2cc-996d0027d847The day has been a grey and quiet one.

My son and I have just enjoyed a lasagne, a somewhat made up recipe, but delicious all the same. I even made my own white sauce which did threaten to be lumpy, but I managed to pull it back. I don’t think I will buy white sauce ever again {my usual cheat} because it was pretty simple to make and tasted lots better : )

I am trying to fill the house with a sense that spring is not so far away.

Daffodils on the windowsill remind me of my mum. Monday will be the two year anniversary of her death. We have come a long way.

There is so much unrest in our world, but we all have to do what we can with what we have and hope that it will all come out in the wash {so to say}.

I have joined Instagram {very late to that party} and I have to say, I rather like it! You can find me here, should you so wish.

How is your here & now?


Gratidute Week 2016 {Wednesday}

img_9065I had an early meeting for my volunteer role this morning and I knew as I came out of the meeting that a bus was due. It would have been so easy just to sit at the stop and wait, but instead I decided to walk and am I so glad I did.  As I made my way through the park to work under a clear blue sky and a carpet of  golden leaves beneath my feet I inhaled deeply the crisp November air and felt grateful to witness such beauty.

How beautiful the leaves grow old. How full of light and colour are their last days. ~ John Burrows

{yes, Mr. Burrows, YES}

I have love receiving Michelle’s notes in my inbox every day, they are so and beautiful and full of thought. Thank you. Gratitude Week 2016


Sunday silence

0c3ca36a-4f67-40b6-9ad3-ea622248b19c{no. 15}

Capturing the essence of stillness, quiet, peace or contentment {in one image}…

Join me if you wish? #sundaysilence

Sunday silence

73474ee3-f588-4482-9a14-10736c5375b9-1{no. 14}

Capturing the essence of stillness, quiet, peace or contentment {in one image}…

Join me if you wish? #sundaysilence

here & now…


You are soft hues and burnished trees

You are morning mists, crisp air and clear skies

You are rosy wasp-eaten apples, fallen to the ground

You are memories of small feet running through leaves

You are the smell of wood fires and damp earth

You are candles lit as nights draw in

You are all these things and so much more

You are Autumn

As you can probably tell I am enjoying this season here in my corner of the world. I am feeling content and positive and so ready for slower days and cosy nights.

I am also looking forward to joining in with Just Five Things, a beautiful offering from Michelle. If you are able to, then I would definitely encourage you to take part, it WILL be wonderful.

What are you enjoying here and now?

here & now…

img_8507img_8492…it is early evening and a chill slips in through the kitchen window reaching me as I tap away on the computer, making me smile. I LOVE AUTUMN.

I noticed earlier the dish I have on the kitchen windowsill filled with little Autumn treasures needs replacements. Yet, despite the conkers being shrivelled, the leaves dusty and Chinese lanterns faded, it has been a wonderful reminder, throughout the year, of my favourite season.

The garden is looking a little dishevelled, but this is what this new season brings. Apples scattered on the grass, too many to ever use, and the Hydrangea has turned a dusky pink which is completely beautiful.

This wonderful season makes me joyful and gives me a longing for something new.

Happy Autumn, dear friends!

Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn. ~ Elizabeth Lawrence

here & now {the lakes edition}

Lake District 2016




















Hello there and how are you?

We have returned from a very relaxing and much needed week at the Lakes, batteries recharged {almost} and raring to go! Well, there may still be a little residual holiday-ness hanging around, but as I am not back to work until Tuesday, I’d say that’s totally acceptable, yes?

We were in a small yet perfectly formed 18th Century cottage, very close to Windermere, surrounded by hills and more green than I ever thought possible! Trevor has sniffed his way through the week…new places are so exciting for a dog!

We have had lazy mornings {lazy days sometimes, truth be known}, walks, visits to beautiful places and just generally inhaled and ingested all the loveliness surrounding us…it’s been a tonic.

That said, I am not sad to be home. I have absolutely loved & appreciated the break and the way time spent somewhere else forces you to slow down {we have been snails} but returning home always feels right.

I hope you have had a lovely week and wish you a great weekend.

here & now

Lilac trioI am saying hello after nearly a month {unplanned} away from this space. I do hope this post finds you well?

Summer has arrived, REALLY arrived, with a sleep-inducing heaviness that makes every movement a bit of an effort. The upside of this is that all the windows and doors are flung open and the outside feels more inside, which I love.

Work has been so busy and will continue to be this week, but I sense a slowing down, anxiety lifting a little, for which I am very grateful. I have felt a little fraught and frazzled these past weeks, hence the lack of time here on the blog.

It will be holiday time for us this coming Saturday with a week in the Lake District, which we cannot wait for. The view from our cottage looks amazing and we intent to do a lot of nothing…just what we need! I also hope to take lots of lovely photographs and just really soak up the tranquility and beauty of the area.

That’s all from me, for now. Whatever you are doing, or maybe not doing, this summer, I hope it brings you joy!


Tea & Paper

Moments of Joy

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Parti, osserva, fermati, scatta. Riparti!

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Michelle GD

tiny moments (and everything in between)

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You know, it's cool for cats.