
It’s hard, so hard…especially for him. Watching, as he walks away from our house to go to his (yours…) makes my heart ache. I always hope he’s left a lamp on, so it doesn’t feel quite so empty when he opens the door.

We all miss you.

You’d be proud though. We haven’t allowed ourselves to be dragged under. He’s even used the iron…yes, I know. I did offer by the way, but he insisted he could do it.

Did I say we all miss you?

Life is moving forward, and I know that is a good thing, but it feels so bad sometimes.

Spring is nearly here…I know that would make you happy. We saw the snowdrops in the park on Friday.

Your knitting is still hung on the cupboard door…

…there are traces of you everywhere.


Writing along with Amanda’s prompts, today I used Saturday’s word, which was ‘remnant’.

12 Replies to “Traces”

  1. Jane, this is so lovely. It brought back memories of when my father passed away and we all found ourselves shifting and adjusting to the absence of him. Each winter I still wear the scarf he gave me when I was 16 years old. Sending you hugs and prayers for continued light and love. Your dad is blessed to live so close to you. xo

    1. Grace, thank you so much for your hugs and light and love x I am glad we live near my dad so I know he is okay and we can have him for meals. I love that you still wear the scarf your father gave you when you were 16. How are you? J xx

      1. I am hanging in there, Jane. I never heard from the doctor last week but I have an appointment with her tomorrow morning. It has been a long wait, one that I hope has a happy ending! Whatever the news is, I know I’m strong and will just move forward. Fingers are crossed, I’ll let you know! Thank you so much for asking. ❤

  2. Jane this is so beautiful, so so moving. I am thinking of you, and your family, and wishing you all well. Thank you so very much for sharing these words, they have resonated with me very much. xxx

  3. Aww, beautiful Jane. Very poignant (one of Mr P’s favourite words!?!). In the words of Dory (Finding Nemo) “Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.” I know you are. Xxxx

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