First things first

first things first 1

This humble drink.

My morning friend.

Kick start to the day.

First things first;

the thing I NEED

My lovely cuppa tea : )

Tea is such an inherent part of my life and the British culture. From my beloved and utterly necessary first morning cuppa to cream tea on a day out, it is what we do.

Tea is a problem solver, a comforter, a start to the day as well as an end, a winter warmer and a summer refresher.

I have such fond memories of my Nan serving tea always in china cups and saucers, and yes, it really does taste better. She made the best Yorkshire Parkin too which goes lovely with a cuppa, especially Yorkshire Tea, my favourite!

I found an amazing website while writing this post so if you are interested in tea why not take a look. The bit that I was drawn to most is the social history aspect of it…social history fascinates me.

The first day of February prompt-a-day from writealm; today’s is ‘first things first’ and what better way to start than with a cuppa!

I hope you are having a great Saturday…there was sunshine here earlier, hurrah, it is clouding over now though. But still, the sun was out!

Jane xx

9 Replies to “First things first”

  1. I am a coffee drinker but OH drinks tea. I also have memories of my Mum making proper pots of tea. Not many people seem to use loose tea leaves any more. OH says that is better than tea bags.

  2. Tea is so comforting. I used to spend a lot of time and energy on tea and tea-related thing. I was even regularly doing the Steepster thing for a while!

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