Little birds

 Apple blossom~

I love to watch

the little birds

atop the trees

or sat among

the apple blossom;

fresh burst

and blushed pink.


A little Sunday evening poem.

I hope you have had a lovely weekend, Jane.




Greeting us as we let in the light

watching in the darkness

as we shut out the night.


Bare in winter, yet, possessing still;

in summer welcome shade,

and early autumn, heavy with fruit.


But spring is the season you bloom,

flush with leaves and gentle blossom,

alive with birdsong and the hum of bees.


Oh, how we love you, our apple tree.

Learning, writing and connecting with May prompt-a-day from Writealm; today’s prompt is ‘bloom’

Apple tree


Memories of my boy climbing

And blackbirds courting

Hidden in your lush green leaves.

Blossom, promising fruit

And shade from summer’s heat.

You will return, I know

As winter’s grip loosens

And spring whispers

Through your naked branches.

‘Not long now my friend,

Until you are woken’.

Writing along with prompt-a-day over at write alm; today’s promt is ‘return’.

I found this beautiful poem about an apple tree, so thought I would share this too.

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