here & now

IMG_8262IMG_8264It is a sunny afternoon and I can see the washing blowing on the line outside as I tap away on my keyboard. There are some pretty flowers, from a friend, on the table and as I admire them I am also thinking that it has been far too long since I was last here. I have REALLY missed this space, my little escape. I have missed my friends here, too.

I won’t bore you with details of why I haven’t been here, just that work is very busy and life in general, and it’s been hard to focus on other things. You know how it is sometimes.

I have felt a slight shift in the seasons since my last post, while the days are warm, the odd morning has been chilly and foggy, a sign that autumn is not so far away {Karen, I know you will be glad to see that word}. I love autumn, I know the days shorten, but it just feels right to me {for me}. I believe we all have a season that is our own and mine is definitely autumn. I’d love it if you would share ‘your’ season.

I do hope you are all well and enjoying your days.

Bye for now and take care x

5 Replies to “here & now”

  1. Jane, I am a lover of autumn as well! Just yesterday I was noticing that the days were getting darker earlier and I felt happy. I think I would adore summer if it wasn’t for the humidity that we usually have. When autumn comes I have so much more energy! I’m glad you are popping in every so often, I miss you! xoxo

    1. I just adore Autumn too! There is a slight move towards it here. The sun is hanging lower in the sky and the morning air feels different. I know what you mean about having more energy, too. Have a lovely weekend xxxx

      1. Yes, I’m noticing a shift in the sun as well. Still too humid for me but am so thankful that September is almost here! xxxx

  2. Hi Jane, wonderful photos as usual! I see you had a blogging time out as well. We need space for ourselves sometimes, glad both of us are back now. For long time summer had been my favorite season, but recently I’m enjoying the Autumn more, all the colours, the crisp air, the cashmere pullovers, the coziness that this season brings.

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